Yuri!!! on Ice Fanfic

Art by YukariKitsune9

One of the reasons I don’t try to keep up with a lot of fandoms is that new fandoms tend to derail me from existing projects. In this case, I was working on A Lon Story in late 2015 and early 2016, got derailed by Merlin, got derailed from Merlin by Check Please, and got derailed from Check Please by these ridiculous boys in love doing ice sport, to quote Ngozi.

Check Please and Yuri on Ice marked a sea change for me in how I approach fanfic. It used to be that all of my fanfic was either filling in plot holes or canon divergent because I didn’t like what the writers did in canon. In both of my current obsessions, I love the source work, and am working beyond the canon to explore where I thought the stories might go. In the case of Yuri on Ice, the finale left us with a satisfying story arc, but a lot of questions, and I took a more real-world approach in tackling those questions.

In this fandom, all my stories are part of a larger arc. The featured image here is from one of the last stories in the series and was done by YukariKitsune9 as part of a big bang project.

Translations on Ice

Yuuri and Victor sort out their communication breakdowns after Season 1, but then what? This series takes place in a world more closely adjacent to ours, where homophobia exists, Russia as a political entity is Not Friendly, and our skaters have to learn to find their way on an unbeaten path.

Having friends in high places (specifically a Gulfstream G650 private airplane) helps. It’s much easier to find yourself when you have a way of getting places quickly in a pinch.

This spans from the end of Season 1 through late spring of 2018, and follows Victor, Yuuri and Yuri (and friends) through the busiest, best, and most difficult years of their lives.

It is approximately 97% canon-compliant for season 1. The largest point of divergence is that in this version of the story, homophobia exists and the political situation is roughly what we have now.

The series as a whole is complex, with a variety of smut, fluff and the occasional helping of angst. It is, ultimately, a happy story, but it is not an easy one.

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