Announcing A Lon Story

A Lon Story by Jenrose appears in metallic, riveted type floating over the Lon dandelion and sun header science fiction header image.On November 15, 2017, I launched the website and Patreon for A Lon Story, my original hard science fiction web series.

Check out my Patreon.

This is a project I’ve been working on for seven years. My goal was to write plausible science fiction, without handwaving away things like the laws of physics (no FTL). It is in many ways an exploration of Arthur C Clarke’s third law, and sets out to explore both the near future disasters that may be facing us, and the long term possibilities that might grow out of overcoming those disasters.

In addition to the website and the Patreon, you can keep track of updates on Twitter and Tumblr. The main story will eventually be public on the website (there are public pages now on the Patreon, but everything is posted there first), and those pages will be broadcast to all the social media accounts, but Patreon is by far the best way to keep up with everything.

The first story, A Lon Beginning, is a kid-friendly (tested on kids as young as five) novella that works well as a chapter book/bedtime reading that adults enjoy as well.

While this is not a book specifically about LGBTQ+issues, the main character is a nonbinary child, and very few of the characters in the series are white.

See the first chapter here:

Book Cover for A Lon Beginning shows Kel, an android, projected on a concrete wall. Her eyes are unsettling, and the lighting is harsh. There are metallic threads running through her hair, and the wall behind her streams with brilliant droplets of light. The image shades from grey through purple, cyan and azure in a complex gradient from top to bottom. This composite image gives a very science fiction feel to the book cover.

Just a little poison

Sometimes it’s really hard to write about other people’s happy times when it reminds me of when I was strong and thought I could do almost anything.

Sometimes it’s an escape, but sometimes it’s just a really rough reminder of how hard I’m struggling right now.

The true answer to “How are you” behind the cut. It ain’t pretty.

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image says:

that we cling together * for comfort and safety
and hold each other * so that no one falls * or is lost
tell me if you’re slipping * i’ve got two hands
and a million words


Writing advice

So I’ve been delving into the strange world of Tumblr. I said for years I didn’t understand it. Then I got into the Merlin fandom, started poking around, realized that no one understood Tumblr, and started using it a lot.

So this floated across my dashboard today:

If Tumblr frightens you, the answer I wrote is here:

The question was, “how do write good,” (sic) and Maureen Johnson gave a succinct answer I felt could use some elaboration.

Write. Write more. Ask for constructive criticism. Cry. Get angry. Do what they say. See how it makes it better. Buy your editor/beta reader/tolerant friend flowers or chocolate or something and then write more.

Read. Read amazing writers, read amazing storytellers, note that sometimes the two things aren’t the same. When something you read makes you happy, think about why.

Then write more. Write nonfiction. Write short paragraphs. Write drabbles. Write poetry. Write short fanfiction. Or long. Or your own stories. Write what moves you. Explain things to people with your writing.

Read about writing. Read about language. Read about structure. Read about why things work, why they don’t. Understand the rules. Write until your editor only makes small changes in grammar (and sometimes they’re wrong and you know it but you always listen because if it caught their attention something about the flow is probably off.)

And ultimately? Break rules if there’s a good reason to. Don’t let other people’s ideas about writing get in the way of good storytelling. A few million words in, you’re going to know to your bones when you need to be scrupulously formal and when you need to throw that to the wind because that character over there? He says “Ain’t” a lot, and no one speaks in complete sentences all the time.

But throw all that out the window for a moment, because you can stick your face in a computer screen for decades and never live enough to have a damn thing worth writing about. Go out into the world. Experience love. Experience failure. Have crowning moments of awesome and be crushed by devastating tragedy. Feel the wind on your elbows and smell things that no one should ever have to smell. Think about how you would tell these things to someone else, about how you would help them experience what you’ve experienced.

When you know enough about writing and life to be able to put someone else in your shoes and have them feel the blisters? You’ll write good.

Fan Fiction

So, I write. Can’t help it, it just happens. Most of what I write is nonfiction, but every once in a while I get bitten by a bug and have to write a story down. This may happen a couple of times with a brief idea while watching a show I like. Or I may get bitten by an alternate way things could have gone, something that might have happened had the show writers not been constrained by their formula, by the hour-a-week, by the network rules.

When I write fan fiction, there is less “making up a story” and more “grabbing the tail of the muse” as she storms into my life and then hanging on for dear life for the ride. If we’re lucky, the story gets finished. If we’re not, it doesn’t. I usually have a policy of not sharing with other than beta readers until it’s done.

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